Meet the Sensei


Jamie Wilkin

Chief instructor - 5th Dan

Over 30 years of Martial Arts experience. Jamie started competing in Judo in 1990 and won medals in UK competitions during the 90's, then took up JuJitsu in the early 2000's. He is currently studying Karate.  Sensei Jamie Wilkin is currently 4th Dan at Ju Jitsu awared by Sensei Andy Wilshaw - 7th Dan - of the NTK.

Ask the Sensei, Jujitsu Q&A

Q: How long have you been training Jujitsu?

A: Since June 1999

Q: Did you train in other martial arts before Jujitsu?

A: I trained in competitive judo in the early 90's achieving 1st Kyu brown belt. I have also trained in Tae Kwondo and Kick Boxing and Karate over the years.

Q: What attracted you to Jujitsu?

A: Ju Jitsu seemed a great complement to my Judo training as Judo was derived from Ju Jitsu.  I also wanted to learn more practical self defence.

Q: What do you think are the main reasons to train Jujitsu versus the other martial arts you have experience with?

A: Ju Jitsu gives your a very comprehensive set of skills which can be applied in any street situation.  Rather than perhaps other martial arts focusing on elements, Ju Jitsu seems to have it all!!

Q: What do you get out of training Jujitsu?

A: Ju Jitsu training keeps me supple and fit. I enjoy the fun we have as well as progression.

Q: What is your favourite throw/technique and why?

A:There are so many techniques that it’s impossible to pick out one. But I do like a great Hane Goshi!

Q: What is your next jujitsu goal?

A: My next goal is to achieve 5th Dan which is Master grade and to continue to learn and master new techniques


Dan Fitt

Chief Instructor - 3rd Dan

Dan started his JuJitsu career with the renowned Jikishin Association and was awarded 2nd Dan by sensei Andy Wilshaw (7th Dan)

of the NTK.

Ask the Sensei, Jujistu Q&A

Q: How long have you been training Jujitsu?

A: I started in 2003 with Jikishin JuJitsu and then moved to the AMA/NTK Jujitsu in 2010

Q: Did you train in other martial arts before Jujitsu?

A: I dabbled in a few things before I started Jujitsu but have trained in Tae-Kwon Do and Shotokan Karate alongside my Jujitsu training

Q: What attracted you to Jujitsu?

A: I like the practicality of Jujitsu and the no-nonsense self-defence elements that are at the heart of it but I also love the history and tradition that accompany the training

Q: What do you think are the main reasons to train Jujitsu versus the other martial arts you have experience with?

A: I think every martial art has it’s own strong points, but for me, Jujitsu provides a really good grounding in practical self-defence and teaches techniques that can be applied to everyday situations. There is also a lot of variety in the Jujitsu styles that I have trained in which means that it doesn’t get boring!

Q: What do you get out of training Jujitsu?

A: I love learning the wide variety of locks, throws and strikes which are part of Jujitsu. It’s also a fantastic way of keeping fit – nothing gets a sweat up like a couple of hours of throwing people about (and getting the same in return!). There is also a great sense of self-confidence that comes with training any martial art but because Jujitsu equips students to deal with a large variety of situations, I think it’s particularly the case with this style.

Q: What is your favourite throw/technique and why?

A: I love the simple, fast and effective throws like “O Goshi” (Hip Throw) and it’s variations

Q: What is your next jujitsu goal?

A: Work has taken me away from the dojo for the last few months so I’m looking forward to getting back in to regular training and then going for my 3rd Dan hopefully next year


Andy De'Ath

2nd Dan and Club Secretary

Ask the Sensei, Jujitsu Q&A

Q: How long have you been training Jujitsu?

A: Since June 2006

Q: Did you train in other martial arts before Jujitsu?

A: Judo and Shotokan Karate in my younger days and, prior to Jujitsu, 25 years of Kuk Sool Won where I attained 4th Dan.

Q: What attracted you to Jujitsu?

A: I wanted to concentrate on the more practical, self-defence side of martial arts.

Q: What do you think are the main reasons to train Jujitsu versus the other martial arts you have experience with?

A: Much friendlier than many larger clubs and instructors who are not in it for glory or money!

Q: What do you get out of training Jujitsu?

A: Confidence and fitness plus, hopefully, slowing down the ageing process!

Q: What is your favourite throw/technique and why?

A: No real favourite but overall prefer more simple techniques as, in a real life situation, they are the ones that will work.

Q: What is your next jujitsu goal?

A: Approaching age 70, I aim to continue to train for as long as I am still able!


Mark Gage

Chief Instructor - 3rd Dan

Mark has studied various martial arts for over 35 years, including over 32 years of Jujitsu. Mark was awarded 3rd Dan in 2014 by T.W Starling, Snr 8th Dan

Ask the Sensei, Jujistu Q&A

Q: How long have you been training in Jujitsu?

A: Since 1990.

Q: Did you train in other martial arts before Jujitsu?

A: I started my martial arts journey in 1988 learning Aikido under Alan Prescott 3rd Dan Fudokai Aikido, for
around two years before starting Ju-Jitsu under T.W. Starling Snr 8th Dan Jiu-Jitsu WJJF and T.W. Starling
Jnr 8th Dan Jiu-Jutsu IBF, who I trained under until I was graded to 3 rd Dan.
I have been lucky to have trained under some great teachers over my 35+ year journey: Aikido under Alan
Prescott 3rd Dan, Judo under David Horton-Jones 6th Dan, Karate and Batto-Do under Fumio Demura 9th
Dan, Kendo under Paul Holmes 4th Dan, and Iai-Batto-Do under Steve Iles 5th Dan.

Q: What attracted you to Jujitsu?

A: When I was a teenager, I wanted to join the British Army and a colleague of my father, was just about to open a Ju-Jitsu school. So, I joined his classes to learn how to defend myself.

Q: What do you think are the main reasons to train Jujitsu versus the other martial arts you have experience

A: I have trained in many styles throughout my life, often while training in Ju-Jitsu, bit I have found Ju-Jitsu to
have the widest range of techniques applicable to real life self-defence situations.

Q: What do you get out of training Jujitsu?

A: In my earlier days of training, I trained hard and enjoyed the power and vigour that go with youthful
practice. Now I find I approach those same techniques in a different way, looking for an economy of movement that produces the maximum effect from a minimal expenditure of energy.

Q: What is your favourite throw/technique and why?

A: Morote-Seoi-Nage or two-handed shoulder throw. It’s a very effective technique to use against a much
larger attacker.

Q: What is your next Jujitsu goal?

A: I am working towards my next grading, which will be 4 th Dan, and to continue to learn a greater
understanding of Ju-Jitsu in all its forms.


Chris Feeney

1st Dan Instructor

Chris is the most recent pupil to join the instructor ranks. Chris started his Jujitsu journey in 2014 and has trained hard under Sensei Wilkin be awared 1st Dan in December 2022

Ask the Sensei, Jujistu Q&A

Q: How long have you been training in Jujitsu?

A: Since 2014.

Q: Did you train in other martial arts before Jujitsu?

A: I started my martial arts journey relatively late at the age of 37. So I did a lot of research on which martial arts I felt would be most appropriate. I chose Jujitsu, tried it and never looked back.

Q: What attracted you to Jujitsu?

A: At the age I started I was not interested in competitive sport but wanted to learn a real world art that would be practical and also a challenge to me. Jujitsu is the original art the Judo and then BJJ came from, it combines all those techniques and retains the traditional Japanese principles of respect.

Q: What do you think are the main reasons to train Jujitsu versus the other martial arts you have experience

A: All I can say here is that Jujitsu is a very practical art. There are lots of options and when we train we can really feel it thwe technique is working order not. It is not just limited to ground work and is not governed by sporting rules. So for a real world self defence situation, I feel Jujitsu ticks all the boxes.

Q: What do you get out of training Jujitsu?

A: I really enjoy the challenge of learning a new technique and then getting better and better over time. While training for 1st Dan it allowed me to really pick into the detail of the techniques to understand why each part of the moves where important and what the purpose was. My new challenge to to be able to explain and teach that to others and I am really enjoying that aspect too.

Q: What is your favourite throw/technique and why?

A: Ippon Seoi Nage is one of my favourites as it is really fast to execute and it very effective.

Q: What is your next Jujitsu goal?

A: I am working towards my next grading, which will be 2nd Dan which I hope to achieve in 2024 and then my target is the achieve 3rd Dan by 2027 which is my 50th birthday year. It is never too late to start!



Nippon Traditional Kobudo

We are affiliated to the recognised Nippon Traditional Kobudo (NTK) association where all our licence and insurances are obtained.

Sensei Andy Wilshaw is a full time Martial Arts Instructor and the director of NTK Martial Arts. Sensei Andy started training the Martial Arts in 1979 when he started Karate and moved on to Jujitsu in 1980, Sensei Andy holds a 7th Dan in Jujitsu, 2nd Dan in Karate, 1st Dan in Judo,and 1st Dan in Kobudo. Along the way Sensei Andy has practiced and studied different forms of Martial Arts with a passion and travels around the country and different parts of the world to Instruct other Martial Artists and extend his own knowledge as much as possible. Sensei Andy has trained with Professor D.Hodgson (7th Dan Jujitsu), Professor Robert Clarke(9th Dan Jujitsu),Professor D. Stretton (7th Dan Jujitsu,7th Dan Fudoshin Weapons),Master Soke Tanaka, Soke Inoue, Soke Yamanaka,  Soke-Professor Yamaue, Grand Master Jack Hogan (10th Dan), Grand Master Bruce Chui (Modern Arnis).

Interested?......Of course you are!

And first session is always free so what are you waiting for, come and learn this wonderful martial art and feel more confident whilst improving your fitness and reduce your stress levels!

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